Shop fine Resistol products online or in store. In the early 1920's a young millionaire, E.R. Byer sold his business in Michigan and traveled South to further his fortune and investment. His investment was a brilliant young hat maker, Harry Rolnick, who was operating a small hat factory. E.R. Byer was one of Rolnick's customers and was so impressed by his professionalism, and devotion to quality that in 1927 the firm of Byer-Rolnick was founded in Dallas, Texas. The company produced men's felt hats in Western and Dress stylings, both were marketed under the newly created brand name "Resistol Hats," meaning to resist- all weather.
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231 North Main Street
Prineville, OR 97754
Monday-Friday: 7:30AM-6:00PM
Saturday: 7:30AM-5:00PM
Closed Sundays